JFS News
Holiday & Chanukah eCards for sale!
Buy Holiday & Chanukah eCards through JFS & support our clients! Spread joy and compassion through the purchase of JFS Holiday and Chanukah eCards! Each card is not just a beautiful way to share your warm wishes with loved ones, it also directly supports vital JFS programs and services in our community. Buy Now JFS [...]
Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2024
OCTOBER IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH You can make a difference! Attend the Rachel Coalition Community Luncheon on October 9 Volunteer to be a Court Advocate and help in family court Purchase a Rachel Coalition eCard or send a tribute to let someone know you are thinking of them! Rachel Coalition provides a variety of [...]
Rosh Hashanah Cards for sale!
SALES HAVE BEEN CLOSED AS OF 9/4/24. If you are interested in inquiring about card availability, please contact Sylvia Heller, sheller@jfsmetrowest.org Rosh Hashanah begins Wednesday evening, October 2. You can send Rosh Hashanah cards to your friends and family and support vital JFS MetroWest programs and services. Proceeds from the sale of each card will [...]
Caregiver Support Groups
Caring for a family member who has Alzheimer’s disease or trouble with thinking or memory can be both emotionally and physically challenging. Research has shown that caregivers who receive emotional and practical support experience measurable improvements in depression, stress, and physical wellbeing. We have a the below support groups available for caregivers.
JFS Annual Meeting
Jewish Family Service of MetroWest NJ hosted its Annual Meeting on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 7:00 pm in Whippany, NJ. The installation of officers took place including honoring Andrea G. Bier as Outgoing President and Steven J. Glass as Incoming President. In accordance with the By-Laws of JFS MetroWest, the following individuals have been elected […]